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Image by Bill Oxford



If you are considering becoming a Pioneer Church, we hope this information assists you and us in discerning what is the Lord’s will. We want to make ourselves available to you as we journey together through this process of discerning the ‘mind of Christ’.


The process includes exploring an understanding around and commitment to our vision and values. Practically, it would mean having some regular conversations via WhatsApp or Zoom with the Pioneer International Leader and/or a member of the Pioneer National Core team. The process encourages both relational connectedness and an opportunity to work through the expectations of being a member of the Pioneer international family.

About Us
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PIONEER – who are we? We’re a relational network committed to connecting, inspiring and equipping churches in many nations across the globe. 



OUR VISION - We want to play our part in the re-evangelisation of the nations, plant new churches, equip existing churches, and release leaders and influencers in every sphere of society.



OUR STRATEGY - Our strategy is to develop strong resource churches and networks of churches that are able to support other churches as they, in turn, serve their communities, towns and cities. 

We recognise the breadth, richness and diversity that exists within the Body of Christ and welcome connection with, and input from, other ministries and networks. We acknowledge that Pioneer is a ‘small cog in a much bigger wheel’ but we want to play our part strongly, securely and humbly.  

Our Values


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  • God is community and, we believe, it is only in community that we can accurately reflect Him and see real and lasting fruit.

  • We honour and celebrate diversity within the context of our relationships.

  • We recognise that anointed leadership is a grace gift given to serve, with humility, in the context of community.

  • We value the contribution of both women and men at every level of leadership.



  • We see ourselves as co-workers with God in His mission – the reconciliation of all things under heaven and earth under Christ.

  • The Good News about Jesus needs to be presented in a way that is relevant to our context through our words, actions and with a demonstration of God’s miraculous power.

  • We believe that justice and social action are central to the message of Jesus.



  • Our life and faith is energised and informed by a living experience of the Holy Spirit, both individually and corporately.

  • We believe in a God who breaks into time and space by His Holy Spirit, bringing revelation, healing bodies, sharing spiritual gifts and performing miraculous signs.

  • Our spiritual life is rooted in the Scriptures and informed by church history.



  • Because ‘the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it’, we believe that the whole of life and creation is sacred. We, therefore, look to express a culture and lifestyle of worship that has no sacred-secular divide as we celebrate all of life.

  • Pioneer has a strong commitment to equipping everyone to engage across all spheres of life – business, politics, media, community, education, creativity and the arts.

  • We are committed to the unity of the Body of Christ and will seek to partner with others wherever possible




  1.  THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP. We welcome and promote the role of women at every level of leadership.

  2. UNITY OF THE BODY OF CHRIST. We actively and intentionally pursue unity and work in partnership – locally and nationally.

  3. ADVENTURE. As ‘pioneers’ we want to continue to innovate, to take risks, to try new things, to be Spirit-led people and to have fun as we serve God’s purposes.

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Our Churches


They prioritise the

presence of God

They are

mission focused

They are


Their leadership is expressed in team

They believe that

every member has a part to play

They are

catalysts for unity

Pioneer Regions


Globally, we are developing a number of regions, with each region connecting a variety of resource churches and churches:

1.     UK

2.     Australia/New Zealand

3.     Asia [India/Sri Lanka/Nepal/Pakistan]

4.     Africa [Kenya/Zambia/Uganda/Ghana/Nigeria/Guinea/Sierra Leone/Liberia]

5.     USA

6.     Cuba [& Central America]

We believe that the local church is the primary agent of the Kingdom of God and our vision is to see strong, diverse and healthy churches planted, and existing churches resourced and growing.

Our National/Regional teams provide support for the leaders of these local churches, as well as offering them opportunities for training and development. The Regions also help to build strong relationships and partnerships among different churches, enabling them to work together more effectively to serve their local communities.




The Key Purposes of Pioneer Regions


    Regions are gathering places for leaders with regular Leaders Days and training events. The Pioneer Team in a nation or region will ensure that each church is well connected and has the right amount of support for its growth and development.


    We want to see the development of Ephesians 4 ministries in each Pioneer nation or region, working together out of relationship, providing support and challenge to leaders and churches within the region. 


    Our vision is to train and equip leaders who are able to bring effective leadership in both the church and society. We do this in a variety of ways through Pioneer Regions – courses, teaching programmes, conferences, seminars and internships.


    Each Pioneer Region will develop a mission strategy to serve their particular communities, regions and nations through a rich diversity of missional activity, evangelistic initiatives, church planting and local community projects. We are not looking to propagate particular models or theories of church and mission, but to nurture its fruit in changed lives and transformed communities through whatever model or means is demanded by each context.

What Can a Pioneer Church Expect?
What do we Expect of a Pioneer Church?
Next Steps
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